Drum, tank and gas cylinder heaters

Within various sectors including the food, pharmaceutical and petrol industries, many substances are conserved and transported in drums, tanks, gas cylinders and other containers.

Often, these need to be kept at a stable temperature in order to maintain a specific consistency.

Furthermore some gases stored in cylinders must be kept at their design temperature.

Warehouse code HD0006 HD0001 HD0003 HD0002 HD0008 HD0004 HD0009
Application standard metal drums up to 200 lt 200 lt standard drums standard plastic drums up to 200 lt standard drums up to 200 lt standard 200 lt drums IBC 1000 lt tanks IBC 1000 lt tanks
Esecuzione silicone band with built-in thermostat heating jacket heating jacket heating base insulating jacket heating jacket heating base
External covering silicon rubber glass fiber glass fiber steel polyester polyester glass silicon rubber
Size in mm 180X1665 800×1950 800×1950 550 for standard drums 1000×4400 1000×1000
Insulation type double insulation double insulation double insulation   not applicable double insulation double insulation
Protection IP65 IP40 IP40 IP40 water resistent IP40 IP65
Temperature range 0-120°C 20-220°C 0-90°C 0-150°C not applicable 0-90°C 0-150°C
Power cable length 2m 3m 3m 2m armored cable not applicable 3m 2m
Power in W 1500 1200 1200 900 not applicable 2 circuiti da 1000 2700
Standard power supply voltage 220/240 220/240 220/240 220/240 not applicable 220/240 220/240


Certificate of conformity

  • conformity HSSD/D
  • conformity HTSD
  • conformity HISD/E
  • conformity HBD
  • conformity HIJD
  • conformity HIBC/B
  • conformity HIBC/A